Presentation Training

Handling Obstacles During Presentations is our one-day workshop that will teach you and your employees how to handle the obstacles that can, and will, arise during a presentation. Have you ever noticed that questions really add to some presentations, while for others they seem to drag the energy down? Why? Preparation, thought and understanding of the purposes of questions make the difference. For instance, when a question and answer session is tacked on to a presentation as a pro forma afterthought, the audience senses that the presenter is not interested in interacting with them. As a result, the presenter is likely to encounter dead silence in response to the question "Any questions?" With twenty minutes to fill and no plan, this could be a very scary situation.

"Handling Obstacles During Presentations" will provide you with skills and tools to use that will allow you to give effective, memorable presentations that will result in more money in your pocket! After attending our seminar, you will see immediate results in your presentations. You and your employees will know how, and be able to handle confrontations during presentations. Participants will learn true and successful techniques to avoid making the most common errors of presenters and practice them on video tape. Extensive one-on-one feedback is provided by one of our instructors after each recording. The skills you will learn and practice on video tape will enable you and your employees to give presentations that will put you leagues ahead of your competitors.

On-Site Training: can be tailored to the needs of the clients/organization and delivered on-site at the time and location of client's choice.

If you would like more information on our presentation training please contact us.